API Reference - ABN Registrations

ABN Registrations endpoint. The Business API suite exposes registration, lodgement, lookup and related functions that can be used for a variety of purposes. For the latest release information please check our release notes.

ABN Registrations

Endpoint Overview
  • URL
  • Methods
    POST , GET
  • Agency
    Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
  • Use this endpoint to lodge new Australian Business Number (ABN) registration applications. Use the helpers to check the status of an application or retrieve its entire transmission log. All responses are delivered in JSON format.

Quick links: Application Request Status

ABN Registration Request

A POST request to this endpoint will return a JSON response with the request ID.

    "entityType": "051",
    "entitySubType": "027",
    "entitySubTypeAdditional": "",
    "entitlement": {
        "firstQuestion": 20,
        "outcomeId": 20,
        "outcome": true,
        "questionnaire": [
            "questionId": 20,
            "answerId": 44,
            "nextQuestionId": 0
    "applicant": {
        "organisation": {
            "acn": "123456789",
            "abn": "",
            "name": "MY DEMO COMPANY PTY LTD",
            "ultimateHoldingCompany": {
                "acn": "",
                "abn": ""
        "individual": {
            "title": "",
            "familyName": "",
            "givenName": "",
            "otherGivenName": "",
            "dateOfBirth": "",
            "genderCode": ""
        "tfn": "123456789"
    "applicationDetail": {
        "tfnIndicator": "",
        "abnApplicationIndicator": "",
        "tfnApplicationIndicator": ""
    "applicationReason": {
        "code": "NEW",
        "existingBusinessAbn": "",
        "previousAbn": "",
        "firstTimeDirectorIndicator": true,
        "firstTimeContractorIndicator": "",
        "firstTimeSelfEmployedIndicator": ""
    "businessActivity": {
        "code": "7172",
        "description": "Investment advisor, company or consulting service (including financial planning and portfolio management on a commission or fee basis)",
        "abnStartDate": "2021-01-01",
        "abnEndDate": "2021-01-01",
        "governmentIndicator": true,
        "agriculturalIndicator": true
    "taxationInformation": {
        "governmentCode": "",
        "nonprofitIndicator": false,
        "incomeTaxExemptionIndicator": false,
        "taxAgentIdentifier": "",
        "superBenefitMembers": "",
        "superType": "",
        "superCode": "",
        "australianResidentIndicator": true
    "mainAddresses": {
        "business": {
            "line2": "UNIT 4",
            "street": "9 KENT STREET",
            "locality": "SYDNEY",
            "state": "NSW",
            "postcode": "2000",
            "countryCode": ""
        "postal": {
            "line2": "UNIT 4",
            "street": "9 KENT STREET",
            "locality": "SYDNEY",
            "state": "NSW",
            "postcode": "2000",
            "countryCode": "au"
        "businessEmail": "john@doe.com",
        "correspondenceEmail": "john@doe.com",
        "businessPhone": "",
        "sameMainBusinessActivityIndicator": false,
        "businessActivityCode": "",
        "businessActivityDescription": "",
        "additionalBusinessLocationsIndicator": ""
    "additionalAddresses": [
        "line2": "",
        "street": "",
        "locality": "",
        "state": "",
        "postcode": "",
        "countryCode": "au",
        "businessEmail": "",
        "businessPhone": "",
        "sameMainBusinessActivityIndicator": false,
        "businessActivityCode": "",
        "businessActivityDescription": ""
    "associates": {
        "individuals": [
            "title": "Mr",
            "familyName": "DOE",
            "givenName": "JOHN",
            "otherGivenName": "",
            "dateOfBirth": "1990-01-01",
            "genderCode": "",
            "positionHeld": ["DIR", "CSY"],
            "tfn": "123456789",
            "line2": "UNIT 4",
            "street": "9 KENT STREET",
            "locality": "SYDNEY",
            "state": "NSW",
            "postcode": "2000",
            "countryCode": "au"
        "organisations": [
            "acn": "",
            "arbn": "",
            "abn": "",
            "name": "",
            "incorporationDate": "1990-01-01",
            "positionHeld": ["DIR", "CSY"],
            "tfn": "",
            "line1": "",
            "line2": "",
            "locality": "",
            "state": "",
            "postcode": "",
            "countryCode": "au"
        "other": {
            "legalRepresentativeIndicator": ""
    "superFundNoticeOfElection": {
        "governingRulesIndicator": false,
        "regulatoryElectionDate": "1900-01-01",
        "agePensionFundIndicator": false
    "superFundTrusteeDisclosure": {
        "liquidatorAppointedIndicator": false,
        "disqualifiedOfficerIndicator": false,
        "receiverAppointedIndicator": false,
        "smsf12MonthsActivityIndicator": false,
        "trusteesBankruptIndicator": false,
        "civilPenaltyOrderIndicator": false,
        "convictionIndicator": false,
        "disqualifiedTrusteesOrDirectorsIndicator": false,
        "operationCeaseIndicator": false,
        "underOfficialManagementIndicator": false
    "taxRegistrations": {
        "gst": {
            "registrationStartDate": "2021-01-01",
            "reasonCode": "",
            "turnoverRangeCode": "",
            "lodgementFrequencyCode": "",
            "cashAccountingIndicator": true,
            "importIndicator": true,
            "accountName": "",
            "bsb": "",
            "accountNumber": "",
            "accountHolderTypeCode": ""
        "ftc": {
            "registrationStartDate": "1900-01-01",
            "fuelTypeCodeCollection": ["Other", "Petrol"],
            "heavyVehicleIndicator": true
        "lct": {
            "registrationStartDate": "2016-01-01",
            "registrationRequiredIndicator": true,
            "activityCode": "",
            "liabilityRangeCode": "",
            "manufacturingPercent": 1.1,
            "wholesalePercent": 1,
            "importingPercent": 1,
            "retailingPercent": 1,
            "activityStatementRegistrationIndicator": true
        "wet": {
            "registrationStartDate": "1900-01-01",
            "manufacturingIndicator": true,
            "wholesaleIndicator": true,
            "importingIndicator": true,
            "exportingIndicator": true,
            "indirectMarketingRetailerIndicator": true,
            "winePercent": 1,
            "beerPercent": 1,
            "spiritPercent": 1,
            "otherPercent": 1
        "paygw": {
            "registrationStartDate": "2015-01-01",
            "legislationRequirementIndicator": true,
            "employeesCount": 1,
            "estimatedTaxWithheldAmount": 0.0,
            "lodgementChannelCode": "",
            "paymentSummaryProvisionMethodCode": "",
            "investmentBodyIndicator": true,
            "employerConditionsWorkingHolidayMakerIndicator": false
        "fbt": {
            "activityStatusStartDate": "2015-01-01",
            "accountName": "",
            "bsb": "",
            "accountNumber": ""
    "authorisedContacts": [
        "title": "",
        "familyName": "",
        "givenName": "",
        "positionHeld": "",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "",
        "preferredLanguageCode": "",
        "preferredLanguageOther": ""
    "superFundFinancialDetails": {
        "electronicServiceAlias": ""
    "incomeTaxRefundFinancialDetails": {
        "accountName": "",
        "bsb": "",
        "accountNumber": ""
    "declaration": {
        "fullName": "",
        "positionHeld": "",
        "phone": "",
        "date": "2016-03-01",
        "signatureAcceptanceIndicator": false,
        "signatureText": ""
    "intermediaryDeclaration": {
        "abn": "",
        "fullName": "",
        "positionHeld": "OTH",
        "phone": "",
        "taxAgentIdentifier": "",
        "date": "2016-05-30",
        "signatureAcceptanceIndicator": true,
        "signatureText": ""
    "testTransmissionIndicator": true

ABN Registration Response

    "requestId": 12239,
    "status": "received"
    "errors": null

ABN Registration Status Request & Response

A GET request to this endpoint will return a JSON reponse.

    "requestId": 12239,
    "status": "finished",
    "referenceNumber": "8810120556472",
    "info": {
        "entityName": "MY DEMO COMPANY PTY LTD",
        "abn": "33612302303",
        "abnStartDate": "20210630",
        "abnEndDate": "",
        "dateOfAbnRegistration": "20210630",
        "taxRegistrations": {
            "gstRegistrationDate": "20210630",
            "paygRegistrationDate": "20210630"