Business Name Renewals API
Our Business Name Renewals API is part of the Business Name Collection. More Australian business names require renewal each year. Whether you have a well-established platform or you’re just starting off, using this API to expand your service offering is a smart move.
General Overview
This API provides a conduit for the lodgement of applications for renewal of business names. The entity applying for the business name must have a current ABN, or it must have applied for an ABN and provide a valid ABR reference number.
Business name renewals is in essence a money-for-jam item that both ticks over and increases in volume every year. Integration of our Business Name Renewals API provides your platform with reliable functionality that you can practically set and forget. If you would like to experience APIs that set a new standard for security, dependability and ease of implementation then look no further than Business:API. Send our team an email or call us today and discuss how we can help you enhance your current or pending service offering.
To use this API, you need to be an ASIC registered agent, have an active subscription with us and complete the onboarding procedure outlined in your dashboard area.
Integration Partners
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
Cost on Standard Plan
$15.00 per lodgement
Other APIs in the Business Name Collection
With a massive business APIs to choose from, you can leverage the ready-made, easy to integrate RESTful APIs to build your new business. Based on your organisation's needs, you can select our pay-as-you-go package (Standard Plan), or choose one that better suits your expected volumes. Our onboarding team will be with you every step of the way.